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Why use to train your staff in RSA? has trained almost 15,000 bar servers in Ireland since 1999. Supported by Failte Ireland, the Irish Hotels Federation, the VFI & LVA, the RSA Online Programme delivers information in an interesting and engaging manner. Knowing our audience and the different issues that affect them has allowed us to develop a course which will deal effectively with the needs and challenges facing bar servers in Ireland. It teaches staff at all levels about their legal and occupational obligations. We find that the level of staff knowledge in key areas of the law, the effects of alcohol on the body and correct procedures in handling difficult situations in general is surprisingly low.

To give you an example the following survey was carried out among 100 bar staff prior to receiving RSA training:

How many owners/ managers and staff of licensed premises are aware of the following? % is amount that got it right.

It is against the law to serve alcohol to a drunk customer - 7%

A vodka and tonic has less than ½ the alcohol content of a standard glass of wine - 18%

It is against the law for parents to allow their underage son or daughter to have a drink on a licensed premises - 5%

Serving Alcohol.jpg

The online RSA course is cost effective, time effective, easily accessible and easy to use. Staff can log in and out, and complete the course at a time that suits. The course is built to ensure that staff must learn and understand each section and complete various quizzes and puzzles in order to proceed. Finally on completion of a short exam they will each receive an official RSA Certificate.

RSA Online promises to deliver the following results;

  • Increase staff knowledge in key areas, e.g. refusals, ID checks, avoiding dangerous situations

  • Make staff at all levels aware that they can be personally liable if an incident occurs

  • Teach staff at all levels that they have a personal and legal duty to prevent customers getting intoxicated

  • Teach staff the penalties for breaking the law

  • Teach the importance of the protection of children and laws in relation to minors

  • Decrease the number of alcohol promotions

  • Facilitate the development an alcohol house policy document for display in every premises

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